Napravio sam traku za odjeću i ne mogu dati točku, a zatim staviti visinu u frontalnu ravninu jer postaje prozirna
Red Cat Changed status to publish 19/07/2024
If Croatian is not your primary language, it is better to use English. Google translates poorly into Croatian.
If you draw 3D models in Corpus, mark their boards using the type “Corpus”, “Front”, etc.
If you mark the type as “Custom”, they will not be visible in the markup.
To prevent such boards from going into orders, mark them as “out of production”.
Red Cat Answered question 19/07/2024
Što je traka za odjeću? Ovjesna šipka?
Kako ste to napravili? U kojem programu? Što znači “Ne mogu dati točku”? Što znači “ne mogu staviti visinu u frontalnu ravninu”?
saracie88 Posted new comment 19/07/2024
šipka za vješalice..model je napravljen u corpus ..Ne mogu mjeriti dionicu od kraja do šanka