Pozdrav svima,
napravio sam mali konverter .cxm datoteka u excel i obrnuto.
Razlog je jednostavan, jako mi je naporno unutar korpusa upisivati podatke o okovima u excelu se lakše snalazim.
Znam da ima opcija importa podataka ali ako nekome posluži – super!
- .cxm datoteke okova nalaze se u mapi “Potrosni”
- pretvorite u Excel
- promijenite što želite
- NE SMIJETE mijenjati strukturu tablice
- pretvorite nazad u cxm
- snimite u mapu “Potrosni”
Obavezno napravite kopiju originalnih podataka!
thank you ,it works very well for me
it would be great if it could import bxf2 files to bxf ,blum e-service exports bxf2 and corpus supports only bxf files
so you need bxf2 -> bxf converter?
ca you upload examples of both formats? It would be great if examples were from exactly same object.
yes from bxf2 to bxf
I attempted to create a converter, but the input files you provided are not consistent, making it difficult to identify the logic between them. Additionally, I need input files that contain all the necessary parameters so I can determine what should be converted and what should not. The Bxf2 file has significantly more data than the Bxf file. Since there is no available online information about the structure of these files, I am unable to proceed with this task.
First of all, I’m sorry because in the first phase I wasn’t able to add 2 somewhat identical files.
i created corps with identical dimensions and hardware but there are small differences
I’ve only been able to extract basic board elements (top, bottom, left, right), but nothing beyond that. The structure of bxf2 is far too complex compared to the bxf format. Converting hinges from bxf2 to bxf would be ideal, but in my opinion, it’s not feasible. I’ve decided to stop working on this.
ne radi sa trake.cxm!