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Ima li način za namještanje naziva programa da ne piše 1SD6685352700.mpr nego Lijeva_stranica-Donji_Element2.mpr s varijablama %ND%%NE%%TPNE% ali da to ide automatizmom umjesto da moram svaki element pojedinačno mjenjati
saracie88 Answered question 03/12/2024
U novim verzijama Corpusa V45 je ugašen, ali se može uključiti na sljedeći način:
U Corpusovoj mapi System pronađite datoteku corpus.ini i otvorite je notepadom. u prvpj sekciji, koja se zove [Main] dodajte red
Ako koristite v55:
- Odaberite eksport koji koristite
- Odaberite “Multi stroj Setup”
- Odaberite svoj stroj
- Idite na “Postavke stroja”
- Odaberite “Generalno”
- U rubrici “Spremi u direktorij” upišite “\%FILE_NAME%”
Red Cat Answered question 30/11/2024
Hi ! from what I know.mpr is extension for Homag and KDT Cnc..for HOMAG should not be a problem ..for KDT yes you gonna have random numbers and that’s big proablem because if u change something in the cabinet and export again will gonna have again new random numbers and your QR code was generated before will not work if you optimize the elements already ..I’m.using KDT with mpr extension and to keep the real name elements I export HOMAG_WW and this will rename my elements with real name ..after that I export for KDT ..but if have multiple “front” will export only one “front” and some holes will be mirrored ..that’s a proablem ..I was looking for a solution more than a year and so far nothing..and my post processor KDT still have problems ..I’m looking forward to solve this ..thanks