I got problem with sorting data, at that moment i got this one
It fort parts by size and sum the same parts.
I need to make something similar but with “PRJEDGE” sorting by “MATNAME,LEN,TH” – i need to sum ABS for order
I want use this in “offer window” with C5
My PCV/abs looks like this:
At that moment i know i can make it by crosstab in C5 but there is some BUG so crosstab dont work very well, and cant it modify as i wish.. In C6 is a little better but at that moment i cant get this version.
Any ideas ?
edit template and on the “code” page write like this
you can sort by what you want..in my case ‘PRJFIT’,’CODE’
if you look at the picture above I have category sorting
I think he is asking same question I have asked before. How to sort data on your report. For example sort hinges feom project by its product number.
sorry but honestly I don’t really understand what you want.. I attached a picture of how I did it my fast report
I “just” want to sort data…
At that moment i see that your raport is sorted but with tracke it a little more difficult:
i got tracks with this same ‘MATNAME’ but different ‘CODE’…
In “usematerials”/ $saw it is sorted, in window “calculated” its not. In this window all is sorted by elements so each element next to each other get “duble” sort….
at that moment its look like this:
should be like this crosstab:
it doesn’t work, do you have anything written in the code page? error Memo23
check the link i uploaded 2 templates ,hope will help you
It worked! Finally, thnx!
I needed to add my code to be executed before print to sort data.
See image below:
my code:
procedure DetailData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);