Red Cat655 PitanjaOdgovorenoReputations Posted an answer Nazivi programa CNC exportaU novim verzijama Corpusa V45 je ugašen, ali se može uključiti na sljedeći način: U Corpusovoj mapi System pronađite datoteku corpus.ini i otvorite je notepadom. u prvpj sekciji, koja se zove [Main]... 30/11/2024 5 Received an upvote 30/11/2024 10 Posted an answer Nazivi programa CNC exportaNe postoji način za takvo nazivanje programa, ali ga možete donekle približiti svojim zahtjevima. Možete programe grupirati u mape koje će imati naziv elementa, a nazivi programa će odgovarati nazivima... 30/11/2024 5 Asked a question Nazivi programa CNC exportaPitanje je postavio korisnik preko WhatsApp-a Molim Vas pomoć oko spremanja kodova za CNC čeparicu. Ima li način za namještanje naziva programa da ne piše 1SD6685352700.mpr nego Lijeva_stranica-Donji_Element2.mpr... 30/11/2024 2 Posted an answer Corpus se gasi nakon 20-ak minutaNisam do sada imao takvu prijavu greške. Razlozi rušenja programa mogu biti razni i nije nužno da ovise o samom Corpusu. Provjerite da li se to dešava s nekim drugim programom. Startajte neki drugi... 30/11/2024 5 Asked a question Corpus se gasi nakon 20-ak minutaPitanje je postavio jedan korisnik preko WhataApp-a. Nakon 5-10-20 min rada u programu on se sam od sebe gasi. Probao sam reinstalirati i prekopirati bazu ali ista stvar se ponovno dogodi samo šta ispočetka... 30/11/2024 2 Posted an answer Identify in MAKRO the distance of the multiplied backThe macro can get the properties of all objects in the element. If you want the z position of a board called "back", simply write: position_z=back.z In the same way you can get the "start" of that board... 29/11/2024 5 Given an up vote 27/11/2024 1 Posted an answer Search for a color only from a groupI'm not sure why. Try doing it in another material group, to see if the problem is in the material. However, I have a question for you. Why do some of your material groups have an arrow or a dot in front... 26/11/2024 5 Posted an answer Search for a color only from a groupTry here 😉 26/11/2024 5 Posted an answer što znače kratice tipa elemenata?TipElementa je svojstvo komponente (objekta) tElement. Ima neku od ovih vrijednosti: MojElement, Import, PC (podni corpus), PK (podni kutni), VC (viseći), VK (viseći kutni), LA (ladica),... 21/11/2024 5 Posted an answer Stream write errorMislim da ovo nije veznao za Corpus nego za Windowse. Prvo probajte restartati Corpus, a možda čak i Windowse. Testirajte taj predložak za naljepnice s drugim projektima. Provjerite kako rade ostali... 07/11/2024 5 Given an up vote 04/11/2024 1 Posted an answer Fast report woktopCheck whether the material is set as "worktop", whether the consumption is set per meter of length (m2). Also, check the values of the material used in the cut list. If they are good there, then... 04/11/2024 5 Commented on a post "Floor", "Ceil" and "Rund" are functions. They are used in the form of a function (expression). For example: round (125/56) or floor(var1/12) etc. 04/11/2024 2 Commented on a post You cannot insert images into comments. Use the answers, images can be inserted there. 04/11/2024 2 Selected an answer as best 04/11/2024 2 Posted an answer Element description use element variablesThank you very much for this question. I think many people will find it useful as it shows additional functions in the element description. For those who didn't know, element variables can be used in... 04/11/2024 5 Commented on a post Skripta ne može pozivati drugu skriptu, ako ste na to mislili. To bi bilo fantastično. Inače, svaki element može pozvati skriptu prema svojem događaju (event). Show skripta, na primjer, se izvršava... 02/11/2024 2 Given an up vote 02/11/2024 1 Load More Question and answer is powered by